Our company has proven its potential in production of doming stickers, as well as in production and offering of wide range of advertising souvenirs - magnetic stickers, key holders, badges, pads, etc.
For 12 years we are a leader in the production and offering of advertising products.
We produce:
* Doming Stickers
* Key holders
* Magnetic Stickers
The doming stickers, as well as all our products are produced in compliance with the highest quality standards.
Our company is already a proven partner both at the Bulgarian and at the European market.
Our main objective is to keep a high service standard, which makes us a unique partner. We believe in the long-lasting partnership with the clients and this is our priority – the establishment of long trade relations, confidence and loyalty.
Contact details
Products by ORHIDEA R Ltd.
PVC badges with doming sticker d40
PVC badges with doming sticker d30
Magnetic puzzleThey may be produced both in standard and in non-standard shapes
The magnetic sticker is divided into a specific number of parts, which are combined by people for fun.
Here, instead of a note block we attach a 12-sheet calendar with your advertisement. Throughout the year your advertisement message will remind of you.
Here, instead of a note block we attach a 12-sheet calendar with your advertisement. Throughout the year your advertisement message will remind of you.
Here, instead of a note block we attach a 12-sheet calendar with your advertisement. Throughout the year your advertisement message will remind of you.
Here, instead of a note block we attach a 12-sheet calendar with your advertisement. Throughout the year your advertisement message will remind of you.
MAGNETIC STICKER WITH ADVERTISMENT NOTE BLOCK - A universal magnetic sticker with attached note block. The note block contains different number of sheets, on each of which could be printed the advertisement logo. Very ha...
An universal magnetic sticker with attached note block is good advertising product. The note block contains different number of sheets, on each of which could be printed the advertisement logo. Very handy and practical…
An universal magnetic sticker with attached note block have strong advertising effect. The note block contains different number of sheets, on each of which could be printed the advertisement logo.
An universal magnetic sticker with attached note block have very strong advertisement effect. The note block contains different number of sheets, on each of which could be printed the advertisement logo.
The advertisement logo is a volumetric sticker, which creates an exceptional vision of the advertised product or service.
The magnetic stickers are made according to an individual project and design with unspecified shape and size.The advertisement logo is made as a standard sticker with magnetic base, which ensures easy attachment to all m...
The magnetic stickers are made according to an individual project and design with unspecified shape and size. The advertisement logo is made as a standard sticker with magnetic base, which ensures easy attachment to all ...
The magnetic stickers are made according to an individual project and design with unspecified shape and size.
The magnetic stickers are made according to an individual project and design with custom shape and size. The advertisement logo is made as a standard sticker with magnetic base, which ensures easy attachment to all metal...
The magnetic stickers are made according to an individual project and design with unspecified shape and size. The advertisement logo is made as a standard sticker with magnetic base, which ensures easy attachment to all ...
The magnetic stickers are made according to an individual project and design with unspecified shape and size.The advertisement logo is made as a standard sticker with magnetic base, which ensures easy attachment to all m...
The magnetic stickers are made according to an individual project and design with unspecified shape and size. The advertisement logo is made as a standard sticker with magnetic base, which ensures easy attachment to all ...
The magnetic stickers are made according to an individual project and design with unspecified shape and size.The advertisement logo is made as a standard sticker with magnetic base, which ensures easy attachment to all m...